Getting Started
What does PBIS involve?
- Setting up the learning environment to be positive, predictable and consistent to support students to be successful socially and academically.
- Strengthening relationships/connections between all members of the school community, acknowledging, encouraging, supporting each other. Teaching and modelling the value of being a positive, contributing citizen.
- All school personnel working together to effectively identify students in need of additional supports to be successful and using practices and approaches proven to be effective by research.
- Understanding why your PBIS team is collecting data from various sources to strengthen/support each tier. PBIS expectations are developed with the local cultural context in mind. It is critical that these expectations are implemented in a culturally responsive manner in each tier.
What impact has PBIS had on your school? / How is it helping you to make a difference in your school?
The biggest impact as we navigate the beginning stages of PBIS is that everyone is now on the same page with behavior expectations. Previously some adults would allow certain things while others wouldn’t. Students now know that all adults will have the same expectations for their behavior.
Patrick McLaughlin
Principal, Terry Fox Elementary, New Brunswick, Canada
What impact has PBIS had on your school? / How is it helping you to make a difference in your school?
Data showed an increase in student belonging, staff feeling safe and the PSSC indicated that the school became more welcoming. Numerous process and procedures were implemented and with the success of those staff became more proactive rather than reactive, this had a positive impact on behaviours and school culture. Data became more relevant and targeted. Behaviours have decreased.
Kim Marr
Principal, Riverview Middle School, New Brunswick, Canada